Maximum Impact

Maximum Impact

Why Influencer Marketing Delivers Maximum Impact

Influencer marketing is the most powerful way to organically expand the reach of your brand. Social media is considered the most powerful marketing tool because it reaches people individually. It has been called the “new word of mouth” because it is the number one place consumers turn to for purchasing recommendations. Building your audience can be a slow and laborious process. Organically you are reliant on people discovering your content through searches or sharing it with their friends and hopefully their friends start to follow you. The social networks tell you to increase your reach through advertising.

Advertising on social media has limited effectiveness. Many brands audiences are not easily defined through keywords and geography and you spend a lot of money trying to define that audience with limited success. Influencer marketing allows you to reach your audience, as well as an expanded audience, with precision. Influencers have already built the fan base you are looking for. As key individuals, they have established their authority in your topic, and not only are they able to introduce your brand to a new fan base but they are able to influence the actions of that fan base.

  • Improved reach – reach an audience much larger than your own.

  • Enhanced performance – get more shares and likes.

  • Grow your following – quickly grow your fan base.

  • Real-time results – watch your fans and clicks grow in real time.

  • Increased authority – increase your authority in your niche.

  • Improved reputation – Grow your reputation through recommendations.

Influencer marketing is the fastest and most effective way to grow your social media presence. Followr connects you with influencers that will help you meet your social media goals easily and effectively.

Overcome Social Media API’s

Influencer marketing is more than just reaching a new audience, it is also about beating the social networks APIs. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, all have API’s that affect how your posts are seen on social media. The networks determine how relevant your posts are to your follower base, and give you “air time” on the time line accordingly. So it is possible to have a large follower base and still not be seen, because the API has determined that your posts are not as relevant as someone else’s. Many of the networks want you to place an ad to help to rise above the API, but the boost from an ad is often ineffective and short lived. An ad does not give your topical authority, it just places your content in front of a targeted audience. The authority, which is what is needed to get ahead of the API, can only come through an audiences reaction to your content.

Influencer marketing puts your brand and your content in front of a much wider and relevant audience. When an influencer shares your content and mentions your brand, you are “borrowing” their authority. They are recognized by the API as being relevant in their niches and by mentioning your brand they are affirming that you are relevant as well. Their followers reaffirm that message by following you, giving the post likes and shares, and clicking your links. The influencer, and their audience, gives your content authority and helps expand the reach of your entire brand presence.
