Why Twitter is Great for Building Brands

Why Twitter is Great for Building Brands

Why Twitter is Great for Building Brands

Why is Twitter so great? Twitter is an incredibly powerful social network because it is the least restrictive. Anyone can post on Twitter. Anyone can talk to you on Twitter and you can talk to anyone. You don’t need to be approved friends first. In fact, anyone can see your Twitter post regardless of if they have a Twitter account. This means that your audience is potentially a lot bigger than even the Twitter users.

If Twitter is so great, then why would anyone need influencer marketing? The simple answer is to get more results faster. Influencers are people that have built up a large, and high-engaged audience. Influencers followers will like, comment, and share nearly all their posts. When an influencer tells their followers to click a link, or retweet, or follow an account, their followers are significantly more likely to do it, making their followers or their influencer on their followers highly valuable.

Can anyone build up influence? Of course you can. It takes time, and effort, and a lot of work. You have to define your audience, find them, make sure you are putting up content that they find relevant, and try to engage them. Most businesses don’t have the time to put in this kind of effort. Not to mention, people are more likely to trust a person rather than a company.

When you utilize an influencer they will share your content, or retweet your posts, or ask their audience to follow you. A lot of their fans will do that and you will see an immediate increase in your followers, clicks, brand recognition, and authority. Many people see increases as much as 50% increase in followers.

Influencer marketing is the best way to super charge your social media and get results faster and better. Followr connects you quickly and easily with those influencers.
